Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's singing time again..!

Yup yup..
it's redbox time again..
it's already the third time since i came back to Penang..

let me present to you the four of us..
currently studying in three different states..
Pahang, Perak, and Malacca..
what do we share? the same holiday of course..
two of us, WL and I-campus closed because of H1N1..
both of them, ML and SY-having their mid-sem breaks..
it's such a coincident isn't it??

three of us, ML, WL and I holding mini traffic lights.. isn't it cute?? wakakaka..

OMG.. WL and SY got too "high" d.. can anyone pull them down..??

4, 3, 2, 1.. peculiar pose plus hand-made special effects.. cool huh?

since when the traffic lights transformed into lollipops huh? and look who's the bunny right now..

now that's what we call 38.. :p

